DIY or die.

Knitting, Metal, and my sitcom of a life.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Puppies, Roadtrips and Feeling fat.

Well I'm back from getting married, honeymooning and all that happy horseshit. I picked up a new knitting project within days of getting back to celebrate my NEW ARRIVAL! [No I'm not having another child, do I look fucking crazy to you?] I purchased a long-haired, black and white, chihuahua puppy [from a breeder because no goddamn shelters would even give me the time of day. You have to be the Queen of fucking England to be good enough to adopt an animal, it's rediculous. YES I RENT AND HAVE A [extremely gentle, animal loving] CHILD, hang me before the townspeople immediatly. So anyway, he's being FLOWN, yes FLOWN to me when he's old enough and had a vet ok him for traveling. Anyway, here he is, tell me that face doesn't need a sweater!!

So I tried my hand at the "Caseys Coat" dog sweater featured in Stitch N Bitch Nation and didn't really run into much trouble SO FAR [except for freaking out over what EOR meant. A craftster informed me that a. It means "every other row" and b. You are a dumbass. Well, she didn't say it, but I am.] I still do a lot of BSing when I have to pick up stiches around sleeves and whatnot so the trouble has yet to come. Here's the progress so far, I'm nearing the end, decreasing at the butt-side of the sweater. The ribbed part is a fold-down collar. Knit in the small size, obviously, with worsted weight wool blend yarn.

Knitting aside, I have a lot of busy weekends. The Accursed have a lot of gigs coming up, so I got some promotion and flyering and shit to do. They were just granted a prime slot at the Minneapolis Mayhem Fest, playing just before thrash legends SADUS and SODOM. hott. So we have a 30+ hour road trip to prep for in a few weeks, I'm also a Matron of Honor in my friends wedding the weekend after the fest. Other than that stuff however I'm mostly sitting on my narrow Irish ass being bored with my life.

With summer coming, I'm starting to experiance my annual HOLY SHIT IM A WHALE phase. I will follow it by eating things that aren't nearly as good as pizza and cheeseburgers and chasing that with shakes and whatever SPEED/diet pills are on sale. Maybe I'll just go change my hair color instead. I love my red meat.

Also: booze/bbq's/metal fests/roadtrips/wife beater weather. Hooray.

Next up on the knitting schedual, after I cuss and scream my way through the finishing on INSERT DOGS NAME HERE's sweater, is another 2 flapper style "Kittyville" hats for two fabulous lady friends [this is the drawback in knitting yourself something, you're bound to have to knit it for other people eventually] and then it's on to maybe the Cabled Newsboy hat, or the Ultra Femme from SnB Nation, then again the new Knitty IS coming out soon....ooooo....

So to sum up, I'm a dummy sometimes, busy weekends, want my doggie NOW, I can't pick up stitches, fatty mcneurotic, BEER BEER, meat, heat and several projects to complete.


  • At 4:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    If you love red meat, do Atkins! I'm half assed following it, I'm STUCK at a whopping 170! I don't know how I ever got this big, at least I'm super tall, so I can carry it (clothed, that is!) I wanna drop 15 by June!
    Congrats of your wedding and honeymoon! Being married is bliss, uhhhhhhh, er.
    The puppy is too cute!
    We need to get together and knit! Maybe arrange a playdate for our kids! How old is yours? Mine's almost 2!
    I took a buncha vicodins, I'm gonna go lay around and knit for a while!

  • At 5:04 PM, Blogger Lick My Sticks said…

    I DO love Red Meat, but I also love carbs, mmmmm carbs. I guess I'm fucked. I'm stuck at 150, drop some, then gain it back, its pissing me off. But I'm lazy so it's really my own fault, but I'm going to complain about it anyway.
    My kid is 5 and loves kids, lets do it.

    I would KILL for a vicodin right now. Kill.


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