DIY or die.

Knitting, Metal, and my sitcom of a life.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Where's the F&%$ing LOCUSTS???

My husband just came home. Early. Fired. From the same company that canned me for complete bullshit. Two newlywed, unemployed, peas in a pod. Do you suppose I can learn to speed-knit to earn enough to cover rent, food, dog, and car we JUST financed??? No?? Fuck.


  • At 4:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hello, don't feel bad. We are living at my parent's house. That's tight, you heard correctly. It SUCKS too, but we are broke and trying to become "grown-ups" by building credit, saving $ that kind of thing. And my husband just bought a guitar and a car. Guess which one cost more? Hint: He's a musician.


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